Nov 24, 2009

In the News: Mammogram Guidelines

I'm sure you all are aware of the controversy going on about how often and when a women should schedule a mammogram.  Here is some information from the Breast Cancer site to help you make this important decision.

In The News: Mammogram Guidelines

Like many of us, you may be wondering about the recent statement regarding breast cancer screenings released by the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force, a government-appointed, independent panel of medical professionals whose recommendations inform decisions by health care providers and insurers. Because so many questions have been raised, we have set up a resource page with more information: Click here  to find  The Breast Cancer Site Mammogram guidelines page 

One thing that remains clear: Mammograms continue to be an important tool in early diagnosis and treatment. The most recent and comprehensive research on breast cancer detection clearly indicates that regular mammogram screening saves lives, reducing the rate of death from breast cancer by an average of 15 percent. As always, all women are encouraged to discuss the risks and benefits of getting a mammogram with their doctors.

At The Breast Cancer Site, we think the need has never been greater to continue the fight against breast cancer and provide support for all. And, given that this is the "Season of Giving," we're here to give thanks for early detection and your support. Please continue to click and shop to help women get the mammogram they need.

We hope you have a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving!

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